Still Standing

In the face of loss and infertility, our mission is to show the world that we are still standing. Holding fast to resilience and hope. Our mission is to help you embrace life for everything that it is after experiencing the loss of a child or infertility.

A real magazine for bereaved parents – who just like any other community and walk of life – want to feel normal, connected by a common thread. Though tragic, it is somewhat comforting that we don’t walk these dark paths alone.

Still Standing


Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep

Mission: To introduce remembrance photography to parents suffering the loss of a baby with a free gift of professional portraiture.

Our Work: NILMDTS trains, educates, and mobilizes professional quality photographers to provide beautiful heirloom portraits to families facing the untimely death of an infant.  We believe these images serve as an important step in the family’s healing process by honoring the child’s legacy.

Sweet Grace Ministries

Sweet Grace Ministries is a wonderful center for support for bereaved families, providing support to those who have endured miscarriage, stillbirth or neo-natal death.

Sweet Grace Ministries


The Sweet Pea Project

The Sweet Pea Project offers comfort, support and gentle guidance to families who have experienced the death of a baby.  Sweet Pea Project Blankets have been donated to hospitals across the country and a new Book Donation Project was launched in June 2010 after the release of Stephanie’s book, Still.

Sweet Pea Project


Babies Remembered

We offer–

  • Understanding about the depth of despair, healing light, information, and hope to grieving families facing the darkness after the loss of a precious baby, no matter size or age, and to all who are touched by such tragic losses.
  • Help in finding support, understanding, compassionate care, guidance, resources, networking links, speakers, perinatal loss consultants, excellent standards of bereavement care, literature, and so much more
Babies Remembered


Still Birth Day

The mission of the stillbirthday global network is to validate a pregnancy loss as the birth, and death, that it is, and to fill the chasm between the moment darkness falls and when resources are discovered. We do this in part through free online materials including printable birth plans, and through our comprehensive doula training, preparing doulas to support families in person prior to, during, and after birth in any outcome and in any trimester. We aim to come alongside families from the very beginning of their parenting journey, whether through rearing or grieving, and provide support for their journey. The stillbirthday global network is a part of Christian Childbirth Services LLC.

Still Birth Day

Miss Foundation

Since 1996, the MISS Foundation C.A.R.E.S. (Counseling, Advocacy, Research, Education, Support) for families experiencing the death of a baby or child at any age and from any cause.

The MISS Foundation provides a sanctuary allowing healthy and necessary grieving in the face of tragedy which Western culture no longer fosters or supports.

Miss Foundation

Project Heal - Carly Marie

Practicing the art of SELF-CARE and MINDFULNESS to heal your heart & inspire WHOLE-HEARTED LIVING after the death of a baby or child.

Project Heal - Carly Marie

First Candle

First Candle is a leading national nonprofit organization dedicated to safe pregnancies and the survival of babies through the first years of life. Current priorities are to eliminate Stillbirth, Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) and other Sudden Unexpected Infant Deaths (SUID) with programs of research, education and advocacy. We also provide compassionate grief support to all those affected by the death of a baby through a dedicated crisis hotline at 800.221.7437.

First Candle

Compassionate Friends

The mission of The Compassionate Friends: When a child dies, at any age, the family suffers intense pain and may feel hopeless and isolated. The Compassionate Friends provides highly personal comfort, hope, and support to every family experiencing the death of a son or a daughter, a brother or a sister, or a grandchild, and helps others better assist the grieving family.

Compassionate Friends

Healing Hearts

Creating a space for healing. Healing Hearts Baby Loss Comfort was created in response to the reality that some pregnancies do not end happily. At Earth Mama Angel Baby we get to see the joyful side of pregnancy, but we also deal with all of the real issues, from the physical discomfort of morning sickness, anxiety, and hemorrhoids to the heartbreaking pain of baby loss. We wanted Healing Hearts Baby Loss Comfort to be a place for women to feel comfortable looking for real, physical comfort, herbal remedies and spiritual nurturing, as well as a space to find resources, honor their grief and express their loss. They offer a great list of grief resources.

Healing Hearts


KotaPress Loss & Compassion Journal is an online resource featuring articles, books, zines, and more for bereaved parents, grandparents, siblings, and their families.


Whispered Support

Practical and helpful information to guide you through the days surrounding the death of your precious baby.

Faces of Loss

Faces of Loss, Faces of Hope is a place for us to come together and share our stories and our faces with others who may be looking for reassurance that they are not alone. My hope is that Faces of Loss, Faces of Hope becomes a place for new members of this “babyloss club” to come and read hundreds of other stories, and see hundreds of other faces like theirs, all in one place.

Faces of Loss

Star Legacy Foundation

Who We Are – The Star Legacy Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to stillbirth research and education.  We are a community of parents, families, and friends of stillborn babies who are dedicated to reducing the number of families that endure such a needless tragedy.

Our Mission – The Star Legacy Foundation mission is to increase awareness, support research, promote education, and encourage family advocacy.

Star Legacy Foundation

Baby Loss Comfort

A place for your sadness, a tribute to your loss, comfort for your healing body.We wanted Healing Hearts Baby Loss Comfort to be a place for women to feel comfortable looking for real, physical comfort, herbal remedies and spiritual nurturing, as well as a space to find resources, honor their grief and express their loss.

Baby Loss Comfort

Missing Grace Foundation

Missing GRACE Foundation is a national nonprofit organization that provides education and bereavement materials for Professional Care Providers as well as resources and support for families that have experienced a pregnancy loss, infant loss, infertility or adoption challenges. The heart of the mission of G.R.A.C.E. is helping families Grieve, Restore, Arise, Commemorate and Educate.

Missing Grace


M.E.N.D. (Mommies Enduring Neonatal Death) is a Christian, non-profit organization that reaches out to families who have suffered the loss of a baby through miscarriage, stillbirth, or early infant death.



HAND (Helping After Neonatal Death)  is a resource network of parents, professionals, and supportive volunteers that offers a variety of services throughout Northern California and the Central Valley. There are no fees for our services. HAND relies entirely on donations to support its programs.


March of Dimes

We help moms have full-term pregnancies and research the problems that threaten the health of babies.
March of Dimes has an extensive Medical Reference section that covers a wide range of perinatal and genetic topics, as well as an extensive Pregnancy and Newborn Loss area.

March of Dimes

Glow in the Woods

For parents of lost babies and potential of all kinds.

In the beginning you stagger, disoriented, through this storm.
We want to be a glow through the trees, a golden refuge of log and glass. Stumble up the steps, shake off the snow and the crust and the stiffness, cross the threshold to be encircled by figures welcoming, nodding, easing you to a roaring fire and piping hot tea and wine and whoopie pies and whatever else warms you from the inside out.Sink into a battered old sofa, tuck your feet under your legs, a woodsmokey quilt around your shoulders, fingers wrapped around a hot mug, and be with us.

Glow in the Woods

One Pink Balloon

Kenley Evelyn was Born Still via Cesarean section on February 25, 2013.  You can read the full story here.  Although her life was brief and she only lived on the inside, she brought joy and light to our lives and the lives of those around us. We called her Ninja Baby because she was constantly kicking and moving like a crazy warrior.

This blog is a chronicle of my journey through the storm.  The name of the blog stemmed from a moment at her memorial service.

“I’ll love you forever.  I’ll like you for always.  As long as I’m living, my baby you’ll be.”

One Pink Balloon

Rose and Her Lily Blog

“The heart that made you a mother still beats within yours. It beats with every beat of your own.” -my sister-in-law, Kala Allen

Sweet Lily, my girl, I love you
So pure and so innocent,
kept from this world
Through laughter and tears
I will not forget
Sweet Lily, my beautiful girl

– “Sweet Lily” (words and music by Heather Cofer about the LIFE and legacy of my Lily Katherine)

Rose and Her Lily Blog


