Hearthside Perinatal Bereavement Care

If you are in need of assistance for a miscarriage, stillbirth, NICU stay or unfavorable pre-natal diagnosis, please visit Hearthside Perinatal Bereavement Care so you can get the support you deserve.There are also times when parents learn their child has a difficult prenatal diagnoses that may impact him/her for the rest of the child’s life. When these impossible situations occur, hurting parents require the most compassionate and skilled guidance available. Depending on location, Angie will companion the parents & their family and will work with them for weeks and months following their diagnosis or loss.

Angie is available to companion families even if they are not local to SouthEast/SouthCentral Pennsylvania. Although in-person support is most effective, phone, email and text support is also available regardless of where the family lives.

Services can include:

    • prenatal and birth doula support
    • educational/research assistance
    • liaison to hospital/funeral home
    • referral to appropriate counseling
    • physical assistance to mother in the home or hospital
    • creation of memorial items
    • Advising on meaningful ceremonies
    • lactation support for NICU, drying or donating
    • NICU guidance

Contact:  Families who require bereavement care are encouraged to contact Angie directly at angelique.chelton@yahoo.com or by calling 610-585-0806.

Now I Lay me Down to Sleep

Mission To introduce remembrance photography to parents suffering the loss of a baby with a free gift of professional portraiture.

Our WorkNILMDTS trains, educates, and mobilizes professional quality photographers to provide beautiful heirloom portraits to families facing the untimely death of an infant.  We believe these images serve as an important step in the family’s healing process by honoring the child’s legacy.

HistoryMaddux Achilles Haggard was born on Feb. 4, 2005, with a condition called myotubular myopathy. It prevented him from breathing, swallowing or moving on his own. On the sixth day of his young life, his parents, Mike and Cheryl Haggard had to make the excruciating decision to take him off life support. Before they did, they called photographer Sandy Puc’ to take black and white portraits of them cradling their son. Puc’ photographed the couple with Maddux at the hospital before he was removed from life support and after — when he was free from the tubes and the wires that had sustained him.

“That night was the worst night of my life. But when I look at the images, I am not reminded of my worst night. I’m reminded of the beauty and blessings he brought.”
Cheryl Haggard, Maddux’s mother and co-founder of NILMDTS

Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep

The Promise

Pittsburgh’s Perinatal Palliative Care Initiative is a prolife program of Catholic Palliative Services committed to walking alongside families, who even with a poor prognosis for their unborn and newly born infants have embraced their journey with hope and optimism.


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